Your Mental Health Is Important

Honestly, the world feels like it is wrecked right now. Between daylight savings, unemployment rising, the amount of people dying, the soggy cheeto we have as our current president, Corona Virus, and not being able to spend the holidays with your family can really take a toll on your mental health. There are many things to be sad, worried or stressed about, but how do you handle all of this? How do you find the positive in your life?

Here a few recommendations from the American Psychological Association, National Association of Social Workers, and things I do that may help you:

  1. Go on a walk or exercise. (Increases endorphins and may put a pep in your step)

  2. Find time to read a book you’re passionate about.

  3. Avoid burnout or overwork.

  4. Be mindful of alcohol and substance use.

  5. Check in with your family and friends.

  6. Cut yourself some slack, its ok to not be ok. You’re allowed to feel every emotion and your feelings are valid.

  7. Eat healthy, make time to nourish yourself with a delicious meal.

  8. Limit your intake on news, social media, texting and tv.

  9. Prioritize yourself! What are some things you’ve been wanting to do?

  10. Make time for self-reflection, rest and relaxation.

  11. Practice mindfulness.

  12. Stick to a routine.

  13. Learn something new (take a class or start a new hobby)

  14. Listen to an Anxiety Podcast: Not Another Anxiety Show, The One You Feed, and 10% Happier.

  15. Try an online therapy platform: Talkspace or Betterhelp.

  16. Listen to your favorite happy music!

  17. Try meditation (Meditation Apps: Calm and Headspace)

  18. Try journaling, perhaps writing your emotions and thoughts will allow you to understand what the root of the problem is.

  19. Make a list of all the things you are grateful for.

  20. Buy a plant and love it.

If you have any self-care recommendations, please feel free to share your thoughts below in the comment box ! :)


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